Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Age of the Understatement

Lately music hasn't been flowing to me as rapidly as it should. I'm pretty sure it's due to all of this school work that i need to be focused on, taking up most of my mental space. That's all well and good but i would much rather put all my focus into writing songs for my band but thats another story another day entirely.

The Arctic Monkeys' first album was the fastest selling debut album in british music history, their second album is even better in my opinion, and their third album is a departure into a harder direction. They're one of my favorite bands and I've been listening to them a lot lately. Yesterday I burned the lead singer of the Arctic Monkeys, Alex Turner and his friend and lead singer of The Rascals, Miles Kane's side project "The Last Shadow Puppets" album "The Age of the Understatement" on cd. I have to say, it's amazing. It's much more symphonic, but not cheesy. It sounds like a soundtrack for a really great 60's Bond film. If you listen to the album from beginning to end it's like going on a journey. Like I said it's much more symphonic than the Monkeys, and thats not really my style, so some of it gets a little overwhelming, but i definitely recommend downloading it or watching some of the stuff on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. "The Age of the Understatement" is a fantastic album, I agree. It does have that Bond feel to it, as you say, but I also like the variety. I don't know if you're familiar with the Rascals' music, but this album slides between the Arctic Monkeys' sound and theirs very nicely. You can almost hear which songs were mostly written by Turner and which were mostly written by Kane, and then some, like the title song, have the perfect blend. Good album, and I can't wait for another from this duo.
